Calathea Fishbone (Ctenanthe Burle-Marxii)


Calathea Fishbone (Ctenanthe Burle-Marxii)


Calatheas are native to tropical Americas, growing underneath canopies in rainforests. Like other species in the Marantaceae family, these plants raise their leaves during the night as if they were praying, earning them the nickname “prayer plant.” These plants can be sensitive to harsh chemicals in tap water, so it is recommended to use distilled or rain water to avoid burned edges. Remove any yellow leaves to direct the plant’s energy to new growth

Just like it's name states, the pattern on the Fishbone resembles a fish skeleton with dark and light green leaves, making it much more distinguishable from most of its calathea family

Light: Medium to bright indirect light; keep out of direct sunlight

Water: Water thoroughly; allow the top inch of soil to dry before watering

Humidity: 50-65%

Temperature: 18° - 30°C / 65° - 85°F

Feeding: Fertilize with general houseplant fertilizer every month during spring and summer

Toxicity: Non-toxic

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